Electricity in Action

I decided to write two separate blog posts this week to help organize all of the information coming your way. This post will be more of the “look how awesome these kids are” variety and the other post is more of a “here are some dates and times you need to know”. I’m hoping that helps.

We hit the ground running with our unit study of electricity building electrical circuits and powering light bulbs using D-cell batteries.

We learned about the chemical reactions that occur in batteries to create power, how electrons flow through a circuit, and what materials allow electrons to pass through them; these materials are called conductors. Materials that electrons cannot pass through are called insulators.

We even expanded our electrical circuits to include additional bulbs and small motors. A few groups built circuits that powered 2 light bulbs and one motor simultaneously using one D-cell battery.

One group decided to sprinkle in some magic and created a “floating light bulb”.

Next week we’re jumping back into our study of electricity. We’ll take a look at the role magnets play in electricity and how we can harness the power of the sun with solar energy as we wrap up our unit.

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